Let’s Talk


Change Happens Anyway and No One Gets Excluded!

Based on the validity of that quote, “You need to embrace and CREATE CHANGE before CHANGE creates you!”

Are you a successful entrepreneur, a business leader, head of a non-profit organization or a corporate executive with employees?Or are you an individual seeking a difference in your life?

Are you or your department, business or organization on a plateau?  Working well, but not going in any particular direction and you feel that you need a clear direction soon? Would you like someone with a wealth of experience that is:

  • not your employee,
  • that you could talk with in confidence, share your issues?
  • Reveal your vision and & goals or create and set some?
  • Brainstorm and create new and innovative ideas and plans on how to improve, grow or reinvent your life and business?
  • Do you need a strategic plan as well as a tactical implementation plan to achieve the goals you set out and stay within the resources and budget that is reality?
  • Would you like to have a Trusted Advisor, Change Catalyst and Innovator available to you?

Then you need me!  I am Van Carpenter and my goal is to CREATE CHANGE and develop your business to achieve the extraordinary results you have identified and desire.  Let me take you through my 3D Create Change Development Framework … DEFINE  DESIGN DEPLOY!

Very Succinctly, let me give you an overview of the Framework.

The bottom line…By embracing and CREATING Change…the Change you desire, then you get the business and life you want more quickly than you ever imagined!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

  • Please prove you are human by selecting the House.